Even a quick look on the internet reveals a massive collection of software tools
designed to clean out files that are no longer needed. And a quick search reveals utilities that specialize in helping you clean your computer
most of which have other related cleaning functions. This is not the only function
that software can do, there are many that also clean up orphaned data, clean up porn
files, find programs that are not properly licensed, and analyzed used and free space.
Despite it being obvious that performing a PC clean up offers clear benefits, the
drawbacks must be weighed up before proceeding. Consider the possibility that our
important files may be deleted by accident by the software tools we may be using,
or when cleaning the files yourself. And cleaning out files in any case needs some
time set aside, particularly when the manual methods are used but even using software
for the task will take time as well. For most people these risks are minimal and
the positives certainly outweigh any minor obstacles.